It has been widely noted that more than 80 million Americans take a non-steroid anti-inflammatory medication every single day to deal with muscle pain. Posture is cited as a contributing factor in both the problem and solution to much of this phenomenon. Poor posture – pain. Healthy posture – solution.
What is PowerStructure?In basic terms, it is a system for tapping into your body’s equilibrium… a simplified knowledge of how to stand up.
Why Emphasize Posture?Here is the short version: Muscle is attached to bone, and nerves are in between. If your muscle is pulled in a wrong direction or is “shortened,” it pulls uncomfortably on your bone which then pinches the nerve in between. Pinching any nerve creates immediate pain, thus the importance of retraining the muscle to diminish this pain source.
What makes PowerStructure work?The movements are specifically designed to reposition your body into its most balanced posture. Even with your genetic profile as the ultimate determinate on this “most balanced” position, you can still exert control over your response to physical stresses in the workplace, in recreational pursuits and in your everyday activities.
What makes PowerStructure different?There is likely no waiting for relief, as you should feel a noticeable difference in your body in a short time period. The same 7 movements are done as a sequenced routine… a complete series of stretches that remains the same, designed to achieve the same goal balancing your body every time you do them.
How can PowerStructure work for everyone?We all like to think of ourselves as truly unique individuals, but in at least two ways we are basically the same – we all have bones and muscle. Some may say that a mere 7 movements sounds too simple a solution for a complex condition. The movements are relatively simple; however, the more you do them the deeper the benefits. The predicted improvement shows up steadily by practice, practice, practice, in this as in any other worthwhile endeavor.
These seven movements meet you at your individual level, bringing energy and comfort to your body throughout the day. When you lengthen your core muscles, as this sequence is designed to do, you provide a strong, upright foundation that enables you to more effectively navigate your day. This foundation, this upright posture, is Your Personal PowerStructure.
The major advantage of PowerStructure is that it can be done anywhere, at anytime and by anyone, regardless of age or physical condition. This system is not an exercise regimen, nor is it intended to replace any personal exercise routine – it is meant to help make everything you do during your normal day more successful, less painful and with less stress on your body.